peace - peace
Bringing Peace & Joy
The word shanti means peace in the ancient language of Sanskrit. A deep penetrating peace that transcends the tumult of the world around us. Peace can be experienced in different ways for different people. We have made it our mission to provide tools and resources so that you may balance yourself and find peace and joy no matter what is going on in your life.
We hope you enjoy this collection of peace and inspiration through music, chant, and lessons.
Enjoy these tools for bringing about your own peace and joy.
New Up-Coming Event!!
Healing Mantras Workshop
In Person and On-line
February 23rd at 5:30pm
Reserve your spot
Enjoy an evening of learning amazing primordial sounds, powerful mantras that create massive inner peace, singing kirtan and an on-line course and workbook for you to take home and continue your studies.
If you are unable to attend in person, and would like to participate in the live, online class, instead, please send an email Hello@ShantiShanti.com and we will send you the information.

Music is such a power tool for mental and emotional health. Shanti Shanti's collection of music is renown for its joyful experience as they weave a Celtic-India fusion along Sanskrit chant.
The beauty of their sound is un-matched. The sister's vocal talent, knowledge and precision make for an amazing experience.

Get the ENTIRE Shanti Shanti collection at 50% off!
Click here to get it all now for $45!

Sanskrit is a 5,000 year old root language that originated in India. The chanting, reading and study of Sanskrit has a notable and profound effect on our minds, bodies and soul. It is more than just a language, as the experience it has on each of us is profoundly peaceful and clarifying.
Shanti Shanti has an amazing collection of authentic Vedic Sanskrit Chanting, meditations, workbooks and videos. In addition to new music and videos, we are focusing on creating more educational courses so that our friends can have an in-depth experience of their own.
Click here to learn more about Sanskrit and our
Healing Mantra Course
There are many tools that we can use to reduce stress and balance ourselves against the stresses of life. Spirituality and/or religion are an exceedingly beneficial way to do this; if it is in your nature.
Our spirituality and our religion are an important part of our practice to maintain our personal joy and clarity. We created a website that contains the artistic elements of our religious practice. If you are inclined, please click on the link and enjoy our collection of music, art, videos, articles and meditations on Jesus' presense and teachings. We had a lot of fun recording the choi, singing and producing the hymns and videos. We hope you find it to be beneficial too.
Click on the button below to visit our other site.
Do You Need More Peace?
For the majority of the years of recorded history, people sought wealth and notoriety, but in these tumultuous times it seems that peace is at the top of most everyone’s list. Most of us have figured out that riches and fame don’t bring you happiness and that peace is where our joy comes from.
My sister and I have found that while the world is swirling around us like a tornado it is best to be the eye of this storm. There is no sense in getting caught up in the waves of fear that fill the evening news and our social media streams. However, we all need a little help to keep ourselves grounded, clear and be able to access our own joy, no matter what problems present themselves.
When you reside in your soul and allow yourself to connect with God, that peace is overwhelming and wonderful. While we would never tell anyone how to find your peace, but we have some good suggestions as to how to access the space beyond thought and activity that gives all of us access to a deep, penetrating serenity and joy.
On this site you will find some amazing, natural tools that will be helpful to transcend the chaos and confusion of this time. Mental health is very important and we all need some peace in our lives.
We use and have found the tools we share on this site to be very helpful and are offering them to you.
Inspiring music, Sanskrit chanting, Sanskrit instruction, Healing Mantras, a relationship with the divine.
What is the foundation of this knowledge?
Shanti Shanti has been our musical expression for a long time and with that music we seek to provide you with heart-opening music and teachings that creates peace, clarity and joy. We have coupled that with Sanskrit chanting which uses its wonderful pure tones to bring about greater states of mental awareness.
We have found peace through the refinement of our minds and bodies using knowledge from the Vedas like yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. We have found tremendous value in being able to quiet and focus the mind and relax our bodies using the pure tones in the ancient language of Sanskrit.
With our lifetime studies and experience we developed music and a profound meditation through Healing Mantras that allows you to used select tones in Sanskrit to bring about an incredible focus of your mind and total relaxation of your body. It is design to engage your audio and visually to open your mind up to greater states of awareness and peace.
In addition to Shanti Shanti, we have also designed a new website for you to enjoy hymns, art, articles and meditations in service to Jesus Christ. We have found great peace in His presence and teachings and wish to share that with you, if He is part of your spiritual path.
“They perform with such awareness and precision. Their music brings so much beauty and joy"
Wayne Dyer
“The precision of their Sanskrit chanting was stunning and amazing.
The beauty of their voices captivated the audience."
Deepak Chopra

If you wish to receive occasional notifications regarding products, courses or appearances, please click on the link below to be added to our email address. For your trouble, we will send you a free Sanskrit chant. You will NOT receive lots of emails from us as we value your time. :)