Sanskrit is approximately a 5,000 year old language that originated in northern India and is the linguistic foundation of Greco-Latin based languages. While Sanskrit is a language and has influenced most modern languages, it's prayers and poetry can be found in the writings of the Hindu and Buddhist religions . At this time, it is currently associated with eastern studies and New Age thought. However, Sanskrit is a language, and not a religion, even though it is associated with various spiritual paths.
The history of Sanskrit is absolutely incredible and has permeated pop culture and the modern languages of today. So many words can be traced back to the Sanskrit language.
However, the most fascinating thing about Sanskrit is not its context or history, but is the incredible way it makes your feel. The way that it enhances your senses, clarifies your mind and intensely brings you into the now. Sara and I fell in love with this experience when we where children and consider it an great blessing to be able to transfer that experience to others through our music, workshops and courses. We call this experience the Sanskrit Buzz!
Every word and every letter in Sanskrit is a prayer; a mantra. It is truly an onomatopoeia language in that the word, in Sanskrit, contains the vibrations of and quality of, the thing being spoken of. You are releasing the vibrations of elements that you are saying or chanting. This is also perhaps why Sanskrit, when chanted properly and precisely, creates such strong vibrations in you.
There are 4 ancient books that were cognized by seers, Rishis that provided knowledge about medicine (Ayurveda), astrology, Science and Mathematics. Those books are called the Vedas and are considered the oldest writings in history. They contain a very structured and precise form of Sanskrit and the recitation of this poetry is traditionally passed down in priestly families from Father to Son. This style of chanting is what we, Shanti Shanti, specialize in. In our modern culture, bhajans are very popular and are much more simplistic. This style of chanting is known as devotional and became part of the culture of India in the 800's (AD). These are a wonderful to introduce the populous to Sanskrit Chanting and they are fun, however, we have found that the Vedic Sanskrit is truly a unique, deep experience.
Below, you can hear a selection of Vedic Sanskrit in the videos below as well as information about Healing Mantras so that you may begin your own studies.
Enjoy and we hope that you continue to delve into this fascinating subject with us.