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Complete Shanti Shanti Album Collection
Below please find all of the music released by Shanti Shanti from our newest album all the way to our first album. You can play each album from this page or you are welcome to download it. If there are any problems with your purchase please contact us as soon as possible so that we can address the issue.
Something Beautiful
This is Shanti Shanti's most recent album. The highly acclaimed album contains fun Sanskrit to sing along with and catchy music in a folk, Indo/Celtic style.

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East Meets South
A beautiful collection of Sanskrit, Latin and inspirational music in a folk, Americana style. Fun, uplifting and motivating!

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Enjoy this collection by Shanti Shanti of lovely performances of the Vedas. These selections of Vedic poetry are timeless and are a wonderful aid to any spiritual and meditation practice.
Dreaming In Real Time
This highly acclaimed album was featured on Coast to Coast Am and other numerous media venues and publications. It recieved chart topping acclaim for its New Age feel that encompassed authentic Sanskrit chant and inspirational music.

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Boy From The City of AngelsThis unique short play album features Shanti Shanti's famous song, "Miracles" along with other thought-provoking, catchy tunes.

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This album features the original writer and producer of Shanti Shanti, Robert Forman. As a family project, this album features their amazing talent, vocal skills and thoughtful writing which contains an emotionally deep and spiritual bend.

Walking With the Devas
Enjoy this 2nd album by Shanti Shanti. This album produced by their father, Robert Forman contains a blend of pure Sanskrit chanting and inspirational music. This is a fun collection of their creative process as they developed their signature sound.

Shanti Shanti Debut Album
This album was the debut album for Shanti Shanti. It included their first expression of recorded Sanskrit and inspritational music. The album was produced and written by their father, Robert Forman.