Daily Grace
In Thy Fullness O Lord, Filled with Thy Grace
For the purpose of union with Thee
and to satisfy and glorify Thy creation,
With thanks to Thee with all our hearts
and with all our love for Thee,
With all adoration for all Thy blessings
We accept thy gift as it has come to us.
This food is Thy blessing and in Thy service
We accept in all gratitude.
This is the grace our mom used to say before meals when we were quite young. I ordered a book on Ayurvedic cooking. (Ayurveda translates to the science of life and has amazing health and wellness benefits.) As I was thumbing through the recipes, I stumbled upon this pretty grace at the end of the book. It struck me as a special prayer to say to bring ourselves back into a state of peace. It reminds me to be in a state of gratitude and to fill myself with grace. I have found that when I fill myself with grace I then attract more grace. I think you will all agree with me, that it is so hard to find that peace in our hectic and frantic day, however I am hoping this little prayer at dinner will be a good a way to bring more peace into our day.
If you would like to take a look at the Ayurvedic book that I am enjoying here is the link for it on Amazon: It is called Heavenly Cooking With Ayurveda by Frank Lotz. It is such a throw-back to the neat spirituality that was emerging in the 70's and 80's. That was such a neat time, but that conversation is for another blog post. :)
Speaking of finding one's peace...please check out our new recording of a beautiful prayer in Sanskrit: Asato Ma. (Please click on the title here to go to the link.)I think you will find this is very pretty and inspiring. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
We are always in gratitude for your friendship.
Peace and Blessings to you!
Shanti Shanti